Monday, May 29, 2006

AD Training diary 5/28

In as much as it is important for me to record successful training sessions, it is important to record unsuccessful training sessions so that at the very least I can learn from my mistakes. Sunday was an unsuccessful training session. When I showed up at yoga yesterday, I was probably somewhat dehydrated and my blood sugar was low as I hadn't eaten well during the day. During one of the standing postures I noticed my vision clouding. I thought I'd just stand the next one out, but my body had other ideas. I woke up with the teachers hovering over me. I had passed out. My guess is that the combination of dehydration, low blood sugar, heat and exertion was just too much for me. I remained sitting in the room until they were done with the standing series and I rejoined the class for the ground based postures.

I was fortunate that nothing else was hurt other than my ego. The lessons that I learned were that I need to come prepared for each class both in terms of what I've had to eat and what I've had to drink. I may also have not had the right balance of electolytes in my blood stream, so I'll need to make sure that I drink someething like a gatorade before I show up for class next.

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