Monday, August 21, 2006

Looking ahead - Week 9

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - 3 x 1600m
Wednesday - 4 miles
Thursday - 7 miles (mid tempo)
Friday - Rest
Saturday - 15 miles
Sunday - Rest

The suggestion was that we would run at Grant's Trail on Saturday. Let's plan to meet at the trailhead at 5:30. Bring water/gatorade to cache. Let me know via email who we might have to help distribute liquid.

Make sure that you are getting in your mid week runs. The long runs are the most important runs in the training schedule but the other runs are important for keeping your cardio training going.

I'll see what I can do about looking up hotel accomodations for the marathon. LH and I are planning to stay with my parents. There's at least another spot for one group with my parents. In terms of places to stay, there are a lot of hotels along the L tracks that would be convenient options that aren't precisely downtown. Also, there are a number of options along the route from my parents' place to the race that would be convenient for us to stop and pick up someone on the way to the race.

Bagged the Saturday run due to weather. We're going to try and run on Sunday at 5:30am.

I'm going to be out of town this weekend and next. I'll give the gu to MS so that you'll have it for Saturday. I'll make sure to get my miles in.

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